Meadow ready for sowing at Cathedral Schools Trust Playing Fields

Over the last few weeks, Nature Connection CIC staff, alongside an energetic group of year 7s, have prepared the ground for a massive 650 square metre Wildflower Meadow and Outdoor Wellbeing/Learning Space at the Failand playing fields of the Cathedral Schools Trust.

Jon Withers, the Forest School Leader for the trust, had promoted the transformation of the less useful end of the field in to a long grass area – so beneficial for biodiversity and providing habitat that reverses the decline of important insects and bird species. Through his connections at Cathedral Primary School, Jon and Nature Connection made a plan to create a wildflower meadow ten times bigger than at any of the other school sites that we have worked in. The preparation is complete. Next week, Forest School children from CPS and that energetic bunch of year 7s from, Bristol Cathedral Choir School, will sow a mix of native British wildflowers and other bold species loved by pollinating insects.

Student involvement in the development of this project (preparation, planting, maintenance etc.) as well as providing this amazing space for outdoor learning will naturally lead to increased wellbeing through connection with nature. The wildflower meadow also provides opportunities for specific curricular learning, interventions for wellbeing and another rich environment for Forest School play. All of these student interactions with nature will support future green choices in their studies and career options to support the natural world.

in 2023 and 2024, the project received funding from the West of England Combined Authority to install 10 new wildflower meadows and other habitats in schools across the region. The funding allows for 50 square metres of seed per school. At 650 square metres, this meadow needs some top up funding. Consequently, the Student Lead for sustainability at BCCS will be hosting a Bake Sale in the coming weeks – sweet treats to fund wild seeds!

Here are a few images to give you an idea of the scale of the project: